Friday, July 16, 2010

About Time

So as many of you know EDC basically came under a lot of fire this year after a 15yr old girl died at the event from an over dose. Well up till now I've kept silent about it because I wanted to see how things would play out before I finally gave my two cents. Unlike many people who are attacking this girl because she fucked up and od at a rave I'm not attacking her, I'm attacking her parents, the company responsible for this event and the stupid people.

First the Parents... Honestly parents you need to get your story straight. First you told the media that you were well aware of the fact that your 15 yr. old daughter was going to a rave, and now your claiming that you had no idea.. What gives? I mean seriously its going to look bad on you guys if you are trying to sue claiming that you had no idea that your daughter wasn't going. Nobody likes a liar who can't keep there story straight. Second of all if you did know you daughter was going to a rave, why the fuck would you let her go. As a person that loves to rave I know exactly what is going on there and I know that as a parent I would never let my child go. For me to say that I wouldn't let my child go is a big deal because I'm one of those crazy people at raves partying. My child can go when they are 18 and are no longer my legal responsibility.

Now Insomniac events... You guys are seriously retarded. You guys promote an event that's suppose to be 16+ and I never saw anyone checking id's at the entrance. Not only that but you should have at least carded the fucken lil lil kids. I seriously saw little fucken kids running around that were like 10 yrs old. I mean come on if your going to put an age limit maybe you should enforce your own rules.... idiots!

Dear Retards at EDC... you all need to die. I just think its stupid how people thought it was ok to break in to edc, jump over fences and trample your way on to the floor of the Colosseum. When people pull off all this stupid shit it makes everyone look bad and we all suffer the consequences. And for all those idiots who decided who couldn't handle there shit and said they were slipped some thing... shut the fuck up! Your making raves look bad! Stupid little ptots don't even know what your doing. I swear. Also stupid little ravers need to shut the fuck up. Is it too much to ask for when I want to go to an event and not see all these stupid kids preaching about P.L.U.R.? Honestly you people are fucken retarded. Raves exist for the music not to promote some stupid life style decision you made. This is why I like to go to Hard events a lot more then Insomniac events. People always bitch about how the people that go there treat it like a concert and that's why i love it.

I'm so happy that the remainder of the events at the Colosseum will be !8+... This way we can finally keep stupid little kids out!

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