Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Guild

First of all let me say I'm sorry for not posting up recently. I just recently started school again and its been very time consuming.

Web series are really cool because there usually a lot more creative then what is actually on T.V. now a days. I'm sure a lot of you have noticed how most of television now a days is garbage but at least the Internet lets us express our creative sides. For all those shows that are not deemed good enough to be on the air the Internet is a good way for them to be show cased.

The Guild was originally filmed as a T.V. pilot but when the series was not picked up the producers decided to turn it into a YouTube show. The plot of the show basically revolves around a group on War of World Craft addicts and how there lives now revolves around the game. In the series it shows the different mishaps that have happened because of the game consuming there lives and how it affects each one.

I actually really like this show because I find it funny and its interesting to see what kind of mishaps they get themselves in. The shows format is pretty cool because its like a web chat and it feels like they are connecting with you personally. I recommend watching the show because you never really know where its going to go but it really keeps you attention. Support the show by watching it and also if you really like it pick up there DVD set which is filled with a bunch of deleted scenes.

Up above I posted the very first episode and if you like the show it will take you to there youtube site.

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