Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Zombreeze and TV1

Wow, do i have a lot to talk about today. Let's start with what we did in our TV2 class today. We basically made an infomercial for a product called Zombreeze. Its basically a fake ad for a zombie repellent. Let's say I think the piece was done really well and it came out really funny. They had the southern hick, a zombie, and of course a cheesy spokes men for it! The whole plot went that they introduced the product, tested the product, but it went horribly wrong and they all died! Hilarious! Hopefully i can post it up here eventually. All i got to do was camera but hey it was fun! Ha i hope the Swedish office comes out as good as this. Now lets talk about what happened in Tv1 today. Once again i had to wait for like 3 hours so they could start their engineering, but this time it was ok because i had to edit my final doc for 110. Let's say i had no idea what there project was about but I saw there set and thought it looked really good. When the project started though I couldn't stop laughing. It was some folk singers doing some weird dance and singing and lets just say that's not my cup of tea lol! One more week left! Can't wait to start my summer! (p.s. the pic i posted is of my arm because i fell off a fence last nite :()

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