Monday, May 31, 2010

A sequel in the works

So now that I'm finally done with school I finally have time to work on the sequel to my super awesome movie that I filmed that one time. Were thinking a talk show kind of set up but its not final yet. Do you guys have any ideas for the sequel?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

My acting debut

Hey check out this really cool film that my good friend Charlie made! Its my acting debut!

Friday, May 28, 2010


Hey you guys should all check out this hilarious blooper from my documentary. Not only did the video come out great but we had an awesome time filming it as well.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Americas Next Top Reporter

Hey this is me interviewing fellow documentary film maker Steve Scott. You guys should check it out. He has a lot of really interesting things to say about Lord Buckly!

Schools Out!

So I'm finally done with school this semester and I couldn't be happier. No seriously, school was a bitch this semester last... Last time i take 14 units while working full time as well. O well at least I'm done and I'm pretty sure I got decent grades. I'll be posting up different work that I did through out the semester. :D

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Secret P.L.U.R. Life

The documentary I've been working on forever! Check it out and let me know what you think!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Swedish Office

Wow lets talk about today's production. So basically the production was pretty good but there were a few things that had to change before that actually happened. First was the the lead producer of the production replaced the director because he had no idea what he was doing. This basically cut down on the time but we still ran a lil over. Second they had a complicated set up but they were able to set up most of it before hand. I liked the way it came out and thought it was hilarious!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Electric Diasy Carnival!

Today was an interesting day! So its finally been decided that I'm going to EDC, and I think I want to make a short little documentary about it with my friends. I think it would be a cool follow up to the current documentary I'm making for my film 110 class. I had a test today in school and I'm super happy because I actually did well on it and got a B! Yay for doing well on tests! Tomorrow were filming the Swedish Office.... let's see how it comes out :/

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Zombreeze and TV1

Wow, do i have a lot to talk about today. Let's start with what we did in our TV2 class today. We basically made an infomercial for a product called Zombreeze. Its basically a fake ad for a zombie repellent. Let's say I think the piece was done really well and it came out really funny. They had the southern hick, a zombie, and of course a cheesy spokes men for it! The whole plot went that they introduced the product, tested the product, but it went horribly wrong and they all died! Hilarious! Hopefully i can post it up here eventually. All i got to do was camera but hey it was fun! Ha i hope the Swedish office comes out as good as this. Now lets talk about what happened in Tv1 today. Once again i had to wait for like 3 hours so they could start their engineering, but this time it was ok because i had to edit my final doc for 110. Let's say i had no idea what there project was about but I saw there set and thought it looked really good. When the project started though I couldn't stop laughing. It was some folk singers doing some weird dance and singing and lets just say that's not my cup of tea lol! One more week left! Can't wait to start my summer! (p.s. the pic i posted is of my arm because i fell off a fence last nite :()

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sex, Horny Men, and Booze

So this weekend i decided to attend long beach pride. Let me say i had a really good time with some of my really good friends. Not only was I getting shit faced drunk but i got an idea for a documentary. Lets document next time i go to pride and see if any one wants to watch it. I know i would just because im cool like that. hahahaha any ways. enough about me! who else went?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tv 2 Project

Done! Now time to move on with my other projects before the school year is over! woot woot!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Here's a small little teaser for my final project :D

What A Douche!

OK so this guy in my Tv 2 class was being a total douche to me. Not only was he trying to do my job (which he did to the cg producer) but he kept questioning every little thing that i had picked out. I mean seriously? I'm the set and props producer not you so stay they fuck away from my shit! If he pisses me off tomorrow I'm gonna go ape shit on his ass!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Engineering Today

So today in my tv 2 class and in the tv 1 class I got to engineer. To be honest i dont really mind being the engineer for these classes except for the fact that I have to wait forever. Not only that but stoopid tv 1 class made my life difficult today by putting so much black in the production. Talk about difficult. The tv 2 class had a really cool debate today on the fee increases that the state of California is suppose to be voting on this up coming fall! I hope the show we recorded makes it on to something so people can become more aware of whats going on with this state. Tv 1 did a music show today and the band was pretty cool. The one part I thought was really funny though was the fact that the drummer decided to perform in his underwear, and if you have ever been in our tv studio you know how cold it gets. EEEEKKK! I'm starting to get nervous now, since our production is on Thursday!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Today's Tour

Today's tour was actually really fun and such a shock to me at the same time. I finally got to see what its like to put together a 30 min show in less the a couple of hours. I really enjoyed seeing all of the hard working people in action and also getting to meet a bunch of interesting people and a celebrity! lol.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Wow, so today in class we had the very first final project, which was Deaf Chiefs From Around the World. Well lets just things didnt go very well. The interpreter bailed on the group so they had to add a voice over at the very last minute. The building caught fire due to a electrical issue some were else. The worse part of it was the fact that i didnt get any sushi just because i had to leave early because the production went over the time limit and I had work. BAD DAY!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I wont usually post videos on here of other peoples work but this movie looks really good!

List of Things I Have To do!

1. Film 110 project
2. Make director notes on tv script
3. Study for broadcast journalism exam
4. take pictures for photgraphy
5. Make Hard M.I.A. video
6. pick song to cut Hard M.I.A. video to
7. Work on script

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mass Debaters!

The official title for my tv 2 final project! I hope im able to post it on youtube to show you guys how great it comes out!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Working On New Project

So Hard M.I.A. is having a video contest that i want to win! I'll post the finish results on here.! hopefully i win :D