Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Final Project

With the semester almost being over its time for me to start working on my last couple of projects. I'm thinking about doing a documentary for my 110 final, but I'm not sure yet. Do any of you guys have any suggestions on what I should do?

After Party

Last night my friends and I hit up a after party for the Newport Beach Film festival. Not only was it amazing and festive but we also met a bunch of really cool pictures. Sorry, people I didnt take my camera but i took one pic on my phone. Cheers!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Hey I made a commercial for my school. Check it out and let me know what u think.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Outfest April 30th

I seriously want to go to Outfest! Who wants to come with?

Newport Beach Film Festival

Despite the fact that every year there is a film festival in Orange County I have never attended it. So this year I decided that I'm going to go out and help support my fellow film makers, especially because i get extra credit for attending (at least attending my school portion of it). Well anyways, there having a couple of free seminars for script writing and directing which I do want to check out. Stoopid weather better not get in my way.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I Guess I'm Directing Again

So, I guess im directing my TV groups final project and I'm kinda nervous. Last time I directed for the class I was so not ready for so many video roll in's and I feel like I fucked up the production. Don't get me wrong its not like I feel I cant do this I can im just scared shit less. Lol. What ever I'll make sure this time it comes out way better.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lighting Assignment

OK, so yesterday for my Film 110 class i finally had to turn in my wonderful master piece. Well lets just day that my professor tore my project apart and was not happy. He basically told me that a chess with death shouldn't be turned in to a comedy, and the acting sucked. I'm sorry mister professor guy but I'm not going to hire trained actors for this shit like you keep telling us to. I mean seriously, this is fucken stoopid maybe you should have looked at my lighting and shoot a lot more then concentrating on the acting. I mean wasn't that the whole point of the assignment? I did a fucken bomb ass job with the silhouette lighting and by getting some pretty good close ups. I better get a B on this project. What do you guys think about my project?

My blog

Why hello, and welcome to my blog! This is a blog that i have started so I can share and post videos/stories of everything that is going on in my film school/career. Enjoy and let me know what u think :)